Starting December 5th, service times are moving to Sundays at 8:30, 10, & 11:30 am!

We All Need It

Friday, February 21st
We All Need It
Pastor Todd Crofford

Do you know what a person who falls out of a plane at 1,500 feet has in common with the person who falls out at 15,000 feet?  They both are going to need a parachute to survive!

Jesus’s story about the moneylender has this important little line, “When they couldn't pay it back, he was kind enough to cancel their debts.” (Luke 7:42 GW) That is called grace, and both debtors needed it. You and I need grace as much as a murderer or Mussolini.

There is no such thing as a person who doesn’t need God’s grace to get right with God.  I might be a nice guy (I tend to think I am.) You might be an exemplary woman, but our righteousness is not sufficient to be made right with God. THAT is why we ought to love him- because he paid sin’s debt on our behalf. That should keep us from being as judgmental and withholding of our love for God as Simon and should make us willing to be as undignified and expressive of our love as this woman.

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