February 11th, 2025
Tuesday, February 11th
Pastor Chrissy Cooney
“Amazed, the people exclaimed, “What authority and power this man’s words possess! Even evil spirits obey him, and they flee at his command!” Luke 4:36
We recently brought a new dog into our home. We are dog lovers and have had many furry family members over the years, and it’s always interesting to see and understand the dynamics of bringing a new dog into a home. In this case, I enjoyed seeing our new gentle giant immediately recognize my husband as the authority in our family. Bear playfully greets me and wants to put paws up on my shoulders (a habit we’ll have to change) but immediately sits and submits when Bob enters the room.
In today’s reading from Luke, we see that Jesus has all authority. The passage opens with Jesus teaching from the Scriptures with authority, and then we see demons fleeing at His authority, and in verses 38-41 we see His authority over sickness and disease.
The people recognize it, and they are amazed, the demons recognize it and submit, even illness recognizes that Jesus is sovereign and powerful.
Jesus’ authority is the same today as it was then – and it will be the same tomorrow. He has every answer. Every dark thing and every stronghold must bow to Jesus. If there is something that you are struggling with, that feels like it just keeps getting the best of you, Jesus has authority over that thing right now. Invite Jesus into your problem areas, invite Him into your struggles – whatever you are fighting against must submit when Jesus enters the room.
Luke 4:31-44
GOD’S WORD Translation
Jesus Forces an Evil Spirit out of a Man
31 Jesus went to Capernaum, a city in Galilee, and taught them on a day of rest—a holy day. 32 The people were amazed at his teachings because he spoke with authority.
33 In the synagogue was a man possessed by a spirit, an evil demon. He shouted very loudly, 34 “Oh, no! What do you want with us, Jesus from Nazareth? Have you come to destroy us? I know who you are—the Holy One of God!”
35 Jesus ordered the spirit, “Keep quiet, and come out of him!” The demon threw the man down in the middle of the synagogue and came out without hurting him.
36 Everyone was stunned. They said to one another, “What kind of command is this? With authority and power he gives orders to evil spirits, and they come out.”
37 So news about him spread to every place throughout the surrounding region.
Jesus Cures Simon’s Mother-in-Law and Many Others
38 Jesus left the synagogue and went to Simon’s house. Simon’s mother-in-law was sick with a high fever. They asked Jesus to help her. 39 He bent over her, ordered the fever to leave, and it went away. She got up immediately and prepared a meal for them.
40 When the sun was setting, everyone who had friends suffering from various diseases brought them to him. He placed his hands on each of them and cured them. 41 Demons came out of many people, shouting, “You are the Son of God!” But Jesus ordered them not to speak. After all, they knew he was the Messiah.
Spreading the Good News
42 In the morning he went to a place where he could be alone. The crowds searched for him. When they came to him, they tried to keep him from leaving. 43 But he said to them, “I have to tell the Good News about God’s kingdom in other cities also. That’s what I was sent to do.”
44 So he spread his message in the synagogues of Judea.[a]
Pastor Chrissy Cooney
“Amazed, the people exclaimed, “What authority and power this man’s words possess! Even evil spirits obey him, and they flee at his command!” Luke 4:36
We recently brought a new dog into our home. We are dog lovers and have had many furry family members over the years, and it’s always interesting to see and understand the dynamics of bringing a new dog into a home. In this case, I enjoyed seeing our new gentle giant immediately recognize my husband as the authority in our family. Bear playfully greets me and wants to put paws up on my shoulders (a habit we’ll have to change) but immediately sits and submits when Bob enters the room.
In today’s reading from Luke, we see that Jesus has all authority. The passage opens with Jesus teaching from the Scriptures with authority, and then we see demons fleeing at His authority, and in verses 38-41 we see His authority over sickness and disease.
The people recognize it, and they are amazed, the demons recognize it and submit, even illness recognizes that Jesus is sovereign and powerful.
Jesus’ authority is the same today as it was then – and it will be the same tomorrow. He has every answer. Every dark thing and every stronghold must bow to Jesus. If there is something that you are struggling with, that feels like it just keeps getting the best of you, Jesus has authority over that thing right now. Invite Jesus into your problem areas, invite Him into your struggles – whatever you are fighting against must submit when Jesus enters the room.
Luke 4:31-44
GOD’S WORD Translation
Jesus Forces an Evil Spirit out of a Man
31 Jesus went to Capernaum, a city in Galilee, and taught them on a day of rest—a holy day. 32 The people were amazed at his teachings because he spoke with authority.
33 In the synagogue was a man possessed by a spirit, an evil demon. He shouted very loudly, 34 “Oh, no! What do you want with us, Jesus from Nazareth? Have you come to destroy us? I know who you are—the Holy One of God!”
35 Jesus ordered the spirit, “Keep quiet, and come out of him!” The demon threw the man down in the middle of the synagogue and came out without hurting him.
36 Everyone was stunned. They said to one another, “What kind of command is this? With authority and power he gives orders to evil spirits, and they come out.”
37 So news about him spread to every place throughout the surrounding region.
Jesus Cures Simon’s Mother-in-Law and Many Others
38 Jesus left the synagogue and went to Simon’s house. Simon’s mother-in-law was sick with a high fever. They asked Jesus to help her. 39 He bent over her, ordered the fever to leave, and it went away. She got up immediately and prepared a meal for them.
40 When the sun was setting, everyone who had friends suffering from various diseases brought them to him. He placed his hands on each of them and cured them. 41 Demons came out of many people, shouting, “You are the Son of God!” But Jesus ordered them not to speak. After all, they knew he was the Messiah.
Spreading the Good News
42 In the morning he went to a place where he could be alone. The crowds searched for him. When they came to him, they tried to keep him from leaving. 43 But he said to them, “I have to tell the Good News about God’s kingdom in other cities also. That’s what I was sent to do.”
44 So he spread his message in the synagogues of Judea.[a]
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