Starting December 5th, service times are moving to Sundays at 8:30, 10, & 11:30 am!

Love One Another

Friday, January 24th
Love One Another
Pastor Todd Crofford

"A new command I give you: Love one another. As I have loved you, so you must love one another
-John 13:34 NIV

How much impact can a little two letter word have? If you are a teenager asking for permission to go out with your friends on Friday night, there is a huge difference between “no” and “go.” Little words can have big repercussions.

In this passage, one of those huge little words is “As”. Jesus’ new command isn’t just that we love one another, it is to love one another to a specific depth.  How deep? As I have loved you.  Love sacrificially, unconditionally, even laying down our lives if necessary.  That kind of love leaves no space for selfish lusting- it has to be others first.

Lust is as ordinary as it is selfish.  You can easily find that all around you every day- people taking because they want for themselves.  Love, however, is remarkable- a level of giving that takes your breath away when you see it.  If it weren’t Jesus’ command I would question the preacher who endorses such a thing.  Since Jesus said it, we should be one of the few who puts that kind of love into practice. Today, watch for a chance to love that way.

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