Starting December 5th, service times are moving to Sundays at 8:30, 10, & 11:30 am!

Why We Exist

Real Life exists to introduce Southern Maryland to a relationship with Jesus Christ!

Core Values

Oikos - "My World"

God's desire has always been to show his love to all of the world, and the primary method he has chosen is Oikos. Oikos is the Greek word for "my world" where each of us has the privilege and the responsibility to tell our world—those closest to us—about his love. Every person on the planet has an Oikos, made up of relatives, friends, neighbors and coworkers that we know best and have the chance to influence for God. Since each of us has a unique Oikos, we each take personal responsibility to tell them about Jesus and invite them to come to know real life in Christ.

Authenticity "Good News & More Good News"

What you see is what you get here at Real Life. We recognize that we are all at times broken and needy, but the good news is we have discovered a God who is drawn to our confession of brokenness.  At the same time, the even better news is that God does not leave us in that place, but has great plans for healing and wholeness in our lives. That is why we believe both in the "Real" and the "Life" in our name. So whether you are in a very difficult place right now, or if things couldn't be better, you will find a comfortable and welcoming place here at Real Life.

Partnership - "We Are All Ministers"

We do not refer to the pastors as the ministers at Real Life, because we all are ministers. God has given each of us abilities and interests that allow us to serve others.  When God has done a work in our lives it is not exclusively for our own benefit but for others as well.  We are each a channel of God's blessing and love to flow to others for their practical help, salvation, and spiritual growth.

Family "There's a Place for You"

Real Life is truly a multi-generational church where we value people of all ages, both sexes, ethnicity, and backgrounds. Not only will you find a warm welcome but we utilize participation from all ages and have specific programs targeted from the cradle to the rocker.

Our Beliefs

Biblical Authority

The Bible is God’s holy Word. It uniquely and infallibly reveals God’s plan for His people and how to live out that plan, individually and corporately. Beliefs, practices, priorities, and our mission are to be anchored in clear biblical teachings.


Jesus Christ is the defining feature of God’s will and relationship with all humankind. In Christ is found both newness of life and the highest and clearest example for godliness. People made new in Christ find Him to be the source of faith, hope, and love in both the inner life and in our outward actions engaging a world desperate for hope and life.


Making disciples is a clear mandate from Christ. This requires a strong missional focus on evangelism and training in spiritual growth and holy living. Done effectively, this will produce and promote growth and health in and among the churches.

Local Church Centered

The denomination exists to help local congregations grow and multiply, be more healthy, and more authentically reflect God’s plan. Local churches are the most fundamental and strategic points of evangelism and discipleship. The challenge of the denomination is to keep finding the best ways to serve, strengthen, and multiply congregations.

Servant Leadership

Wesleyans respect leadership that is placed over them, while realizing that the authority and effectiveness of spiritual leadership is not primarily bestowed, but earned, and is characterized by a loving and willing heart of obedience that serves God and mankind gladly. Wesleyans desire to be leaders in serving.

Unity in Diversity

There is intrinsic value in every person. Biblical unity becomes all the more important and beautiful in the light of the wide-ranging differences in personalities, cultures, races, languages, talents, and perspectives. Finding unity and mutual love in Christ eliminates devaluation and deprivation of life to one another.

Real Life is part of the Wesleyan family. More information on our beliefs can be found here.