Starting December 5th, service times are moving to Sundays at 8:30, 10, & 11:30 am!

Hope Has a Name

Thursday, January 4th
Hope Has A Name
By: Chrissy Cooney

Because of the Lord’s great love we are not consumed, for his compassions never fail.  They are new every morning; great is your faithfulness. Lamentations 3:22-23

I used to keep a felt letterboard in my office and change the sayings on it every couple of weeks.  My favorite saying for the letterboard was one that I found online: 

“Everything is figureoutable.”  

Yes, I know, “figureoutable” is not a real word.  I think I love the saying so much because it conveys a sense of hope. A conflict, a problem, a situation might present itself as impossible – but it’s not – there is always hope.  

Figureoutable isn’t quite right though because we  don’t have to figure it out. God is the One who has the answers. Little or big – God sees it all and can handle every bit of it. If the One who existed before time began and has no end, the One who placed the stars in the sky and set boundaries for the seas, if He knows your name and loves you (and friend, He DOES), then there is hope. 

Jeremiah wrote the scripture above in response to a time of exile, a time of pain and humiliation. God’s people were suffering the consequences of years of sin.  And yet, in the midst of their trouble – there was hope for Redemption.  Today, on this side of the cross, we know that Hope has a name – and His name is Jesus.  Because of the Resurrection power of Jesus, we are not consumed.  His love for us does not fail. His faithfulness does not end.  His mercy toward us is new every single morning.  Praise God!   

As this new year begins, be encouraged in whatever you are facing.  KNOW that there is a God in heaven, He sees you, and He loves you.  His love for you means that you do not have to be destroyed by even the toughest of circumstances – even those things that feel hopeless or that everyone around you calls hopeless.  Turn your face toward the One who holds every answer, and you will find Hope. Great is His faithfulness, His compassion never fails, His mercies are new every morning.

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