Starting December 5th, service times are moving to Sundays at 8:30, 10, & 11:30 am!

Seek the LORD

Wednesday, January 17th
Seek the LORD
By: Pastor Melissa Beauvais

Psalm 34

Fear can be the crippling state of living or the state of living freely. That is the difference between fear of the world or the fear of God. One produces anxiety and one produces shalom. Oswald Chambers once said, “The remarkable thing about fearing God is that, when you fear God, you fear nothing else; whereas if you do not fear God, you fear everything else”. 
It was the summer of 2023 and the realization of the fear that I had been living with was made known in a powerful and transformational way. It came in like a wrecking ball, unexpected, yet in a strange way appreciated. Life began to bring some unexpected things and my choices and thoughts had taken me, unintentionally to a point where I began to strongarm God.  Slowly, my choices began to reflect my will, not His.

Around the same time, I began to add a new rhythm into my daily practice. It begins with “come Holy Spirit invade this space” and then I recite slowly the Lord’s Prayer. Several weeks in, the line “Your Kingdom come, Your will be done” (Matt.6) broke me. I realized; it was not God’s will that I was seeking but I was hoping His will would look like mine. At the root of it was fear.  I wondered how many missed opportunities I had made because fear held me back. My pride was exposed at the altar and the slow process of surrendering back to God’s will began.
“I sought the LORD, and he answered me; he delivered me from all my fears.” (v.4)
Months have gone by since that moment and God is still doing the revealing work of transformation in me, one step, one day at a time.

“Taste and see that the LORD is good; blessed is the one who takes refuge in him. Fear the LORD, you his holy people, for those who fear him lack nothing” (v.8-9).

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