February 18th, 2025
Tuesday, February 18th
Don’t Build Your House on the Sandy Land
Pastor Chrissy Cooney
“But the one who hears my words and does not put them into practice is like a man who built a house on the ground without a foundation. The moment the torrent struck that house, it collapsed, and its destruction was complete.” Luke 6:49
Anytime I hear this scripture I am immediately reminded of a song I was taught as a little girl in children’s church. These are the lyrics:
Don’t Build Your House On The Sandy Land
Don’t Build It Too Near The Shore
Oh It May Look Nice
But You’ll Have To Build it Twice
Oh You’ll Have To Build Your House Once More
You Better Build Your House Upon The Rock
And Put A Sure Foundation On The Solid Spot
And Though The Storms May Come And Go
The Peace Of God You Will Know…
In today’s passage, we read about obeying God by showing love to our enemies, staying focused on the planks in our own eyes, and showing mercy. These habits of obedience build the strong foundation that will allow us to know the peace of God when the storms come.
We sing songs on Sundays about building our lives with God as our foundation. May I challenge you now to take a close look at your own life? Are you doing the hard work of digging the deep foundation of obedience? Start today by putting God’s Word into practice. Practice being quick to forgive. Practice being kind and loving to those who don’t act that way to you. Practice looking at yourself first and asking God where you may need correction, before judging someone else. Build these habits so that – when the storms of life come, the Peace of God you will know!
Don’t Build Your House on the Sandy Land
Pastor Chrissy Cooney
“But the one who hears my words and does not put them into practice is like a man who built a house on the ground without a foundation. The moment the torrent struck that house, it collapsed, and its destruction was complete.” Luke 6:49
Anytime I hear this scripture I am immediately reminded of a song I was taught as a little girl in children’s church. These are the lyrics:
Don’t Build Your House On The Sandy Land
Don’t Build It Too Near The Shore
Oh It May Look Nice
But You’ll Have To Build it Twice
Oh You’ll Have To Build Your House Once More
You Better Build Your House Upon The Rock
And Put A Sure Foundation On The Solid Spot
And Though The Storms May Come And Go
The Peace Of God You Will Know…
In today’s passage, we read about obeying God by showing love to our enemies, staying focused on the planks in our own eyes, and showing mercy. These habits of obedience build the strong foundation that will allow us to know the peace of God when the storms come.
We sing songs on Sundays about building our lives with God as our foundation. May I challenge you now to take a close look at your own life? Are you doing the hard work of digging the deep foundation of obedience? Start today by putting God’s Word into practice. Practice being quick to forgive. Practice being kind and loving to those who don’t act that way to you. Practice looking at yourself first and asking God where you may need correction, before judging someone else. Build these habits so that – when the storms of life come, the Peace of God you will know!
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