Starting December 5th, service times are moving to Sundays at 8:30, 10, & 11:30 am!

Everyone Has Value

Friday, September 20th
Everyone Has Value
By: Pastor Todd

Wanna hear something strange?
Someone spit on my car Sunday morning.

I have no idea why. They were pulling into Wawa as I was pulling out.  Maybe he thought I was in his way. Maybe he was just angry at life, but he intentionally got very close to hitting me and then spit on my door!

I confess- I was MAD!  A million ideas crossed my mind: everything from backing up and confronting him- all the way to keying his car when he was inside. (Yep, for a split second your pastor considered that!)  Instead, I took a deep breath and just pulled away. As I rode, the Holy Spirit immediately reminded me of the theme of the sermon I was about to preach- that every one of us is valuable to God. I had to answer the Spirit’s question- “Todd, do you believe what you are about to preach?” By the time I got to church, I had all but forgotten the offense, and one splash from my water bottle washed it away.

This week I challenge you to live like Isaiah was right when he said “We all, like sheep, have gone astray, each of us has turned to our own way; and the Lord has laid on him the iniquity of us all.” -Isaiah 53:6 

Someone who offended you, or soon will, is deeply valued by God and their infraction against you has been taken by Jesus.  This week, enjoy that for yourself, and allow that for them as well.  And for heaven’s sake, and yours, don’t key their car door.

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