Starting December 5th, service times are moving to Sundays at 8:30, 10, & 11:30 am!

To Create a Hope and a Future

Monday, September 16th
To Create a Hope and Future
By: Kaleigh Hoschar

Do you remember in elementary school when the kids would all pick teams and you happened to be the last one begrudgingly put on one team that was forced to take you?

Oh, just me? Slightly embarrassing, but that’s okay! But I think we can all remember a moment where we were picked last or at least not the first pick.

But did you know that we are all chosen… at the same time?

I. mean. ALL. 
He came for YOU no matter who YOU are.

No matter how old you are, the amount of money you make, the color of your skin, the clothing you wear, the accent you speak with or the job you perform. What you have done in your past or whatever today holds, Jesus came for ALL of us.

Right here in Titus 2:11 “For the grace of God has appeared that offers salvation to all people.”

By the grace of God you are chosen for this offer of salvation. At the same time as the person you are standing beside in the Target checkout line, the Church pew, or the waiting room.

That is powerful!

My challenge for all of us is to remember you are chosen today. And that God has designed a beautiful life for you. That Jesus went to a grave and rose again so people like you and me could have a hope and a future.

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