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Prepared to Give

Week 10: August 20th
Title: Prepared to Give
By: Josh Ferro

This weekend Pastor Todd taught us the 10-10-80 rule for our finances, where we give 10% of our income to God, save 10% and live on 80%. We also learned that we must give God what’s right, not what’s left. 

Throughout scripture we see examples of how we must give God our best. Of course, this can be seen as early as Genesis chapter 4, where we observe Cain and Abel presenting offerings to the Lord. Ultimately, the Lord is pleased by Abel’s offering of the firstborn of his flocks, the first things he has to offer to God, whereas Cain offers a portion of his crops. 

It’s important to note the distinction in this rule. In our example, Abel is prepared, eager and ready to give to God right away. We don’t get much more detail, but we know that the word does not credit Cain's offering as being the first of his yields. In our lives, we should always be prepared to give back to God as he has blessed us with everything we have. 

Although we learned a principle of giving 10%, we also know that God’s word asks us to give what we can and to do so cheerfully. 

7 Each one must give as he has decided in his heart, not reluctantly or under compulsion, for God loves a cheerful giver. (2 Corinthians 9:7 ESV)

So as you go on loving and serving the Lord, make it a habit to set aside first what you are willing to give to God, and use that money however he is calling you. Whether it be through tithes and offerings or giving to someone in need, there are so many ways to be a blessing to others. Real Life, don’t just give God what’s left, give back what he’s blessed you with.

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