Starting December 5th, service times are moving to Sundays at 8:30, 10, & 11:30 am!

Don't Procrastinate

Week 6: July 23rd
Dear Younger Me, Don’t Procrastinate
By: Allison Hand

I’m guilty.
Guilty of procrastination that is.

Leaving the dishes in the sink till tomorrow. 
Putting off that work project until another day.
Waiting to make that important phone call.
Or even procrastinating placing my trust in God for something small or possibly big.

I didn’t think I would be quite equipped to share why or how to not procrastinate. But what God spoke into me on this topic is worth sharing!

Have you ever felt a prompt from the Holy Spirit? For example you're standing there, chatting with your neighbor or that random person at the airport. And you know you should be sharing Jesus with this person but don’t know the words or feel equipped enough to share. Or what about being in a desperate situation and you are stressing and trying to find ways to solve the problem?

But if you’d just stop. 
Talk to God about it. And trust that He will take care of it. 

“Trust in the Lord with all your heart
    and lean not on your own understanding;
in all your ways submit to him,
    and he will make your paths straight.”
-Proverbs 3:5-6

It is in our weakest, most vulnerable  moments that we should step with God, trusting His provision. He is equipping us when we take that step. Not before.

But after we take the step to trust God. What happens is quite profound.

 You see the hand of God work in amazing ways. 
I have learned that God astonishes me with what He can do when we don’t put off until tomorrow what stepping out in faith can do today! 
It deepens my faith in God. 
It draws me closer to Him. 
It assures me of His presence and work in my life. 
It lets me see miracles. 

We become an example to others of what it looks like to put God first.

1 Comment

Jeanie Oakley - July 30th, 2024 at 7:51am

Hi Alison,

nI really miss the daily entries. It really gave me something to be excited about. What you wrote about, I feel the same way too. I have actually had that happened to me.


nNothing ever stays the same!


nLove you and appreciate all you do!





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