Starting December 5th, service times are moving to Sundays at 8:30, 10, & 11:30 am!

Be Grateful

Week 5: July 16th
Title: Dear Younger Me, Be Grateful
By: Nicole Goddard
And God is able to make all grace abound to you, so that having all sufficiency in all things at all times, you may abound in every good work.  2 Corinthians 9:8

My husband and I purchased a camper a few years back, carrying on a camping tradition I was blessed enough to do as a child. With two little ones under 4, it seems no two camping trips look the same. As the kids' clothing sizes change and  their needs evolve, what we need to pack and prep changes monthly and its seems to take nearly the same amount of time to pack up the camper as it does to actually camp! On a recent camping trip with my parents I jokingly said, "I remember this being a lot more fun as a kid!" They both laughed with knowing smiles thinking back to all the work they put into our camping trips back in the day.
As a child I remember building campfires, making smores, riding my bike, and listening to crickets while going to sleep. I certainly was not aware of the late nights my parents pulled beforehand, nor understood how we had plenty of clothes, food and sunscreen all weekend. I obviously can't go back and be grateful for these things beyond my understanding as a child, but I am reminded of another Father in our lives who's love and provisions have brought me and you to where we stand today. We are only aware of our circumstances at present, and we cannot fathom the work our heavenly Father is doing behind the scenes to:
-spare us
-grow us
-prepare us
-use us
-or to just repeatedly show us his love and presence
Our needs have been sufficiently met in both the mountaintops and in the valleys of our life. In moments of confusion over closed doors and missed opportunities in my youth, my Father was still meeting my needs so that I could move forward into the path he had called me to. God has been and will always be making the plans, packing the clothes, buying the bug spray, and grabbing the marshmallows to carry us through all the seasons of our lifeā€¦  We may not be able to appreciate it in the moment, but one day we will be able to look back on it all with gratitude.

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