Starting December 5th, service times are moving to Sundays at 8:30, 10, & 11:30 am!

Make Time for Popcorn

Week 2: June 25th
Title: Make Time For Popcorn
By: Pastor Chris Wood

When our family sits down to watch a movie, most of the time, we start the movie 45 minutes to an hour after the time we wanted to start it, the question is why? Well, the answer is simple, Meredith and I’s three children. After we get the snacks ready to go and the popcorn made, our children get very distracted and find something to do before the movie starts. August is most likely trying to play one more round of Fortnite, Autumn and Adeline are filming on our phones a review on some cool slimes, and debating why cloud slim is better than butter slime. If you are a parent of a young child, then this discussion about slime has most likely taken place in your home.

The next step in the process of our family watching a movie is our children running in and saying, “common let’s watch the movie now!” Truth be told Meredith and I have already polished off the popcorn as we were waiting for them to relax and sit down.

Psalm 130:5 says, “I wait for the Lord, my soul waits, and in his word, I hope;” (ESV).
Our prayer is that we can all learn to run to the living room quicker and spend time with the Lord. Meredith and I have always found it funny when the children are acting like it is our fault that the movie started so late. Truth be told we had been waiting for them to show up. 
Be encouraged, put aside your distractions, and spend time with the Lord He is patiently waiting for you.

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