Starting December 5th, service times are moving to Sundays at 8:30, 10, & 11:30 am!

A Life of Prayer

Tuesday, May 28th
A Life of Prayer
By: Shirley Davis

We have all heard the saying: “When all else fails, pray!” As Jesus followers, we often tend to smugly criticize this message: we know full well that we should be praying for issues and circumstances long before they become really desperate! Yet, if we are honest, how often do we put up with a problem, trying our best to handle it and never thinking to pray about it until we realize we need God’s help? I can think of multiple times I have suddenly “remembered” I should be praying for God’s help after wrestling with a problem for ages!

We may wake up at night with physical pain, tossing and turning for hours, worrying about what is wrong with our body – when we could pray and ask God for healing and a good night’s rest. Perhaps we feel offended and let our hurt feelings affect our mood (often hurting others in turn) – when we could stop and ask God’s help to forgive that person, thereby letting go of the offense and regaining our peace and joy! We have all done such things!

Maybe we feel that we shouldn’t bother Almighty God with our “small” issues when there are so many BIG problems He is taking care of! But Our Heavenly Father is ALL-POWERFUL and won’t be overwhelmed or “used-up!” Perhaps we are so used to being in control, we don’t want to let go of that even when we need help! (BTW that is called PRIDE!). 

If we can just accept that even when doing our very best, we may fall short – and by turning to God in prayer we can receive help to overcome the obstacle, or complete the task, and accomplish the result that GOD wants us to! Hebrews 4:15-16 tells us that because Jesus lived on earth and understands what we are going through, we can “…feel free to come before God’s throne where there is grace. There we receive mercy and kindness to help us when we need it.” (ERV)  So let’s make full use of that wonderful freedom!

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