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Don't Worry, Be Prayerful

Tuesday, May 21st
Don’t Worry, Be Prayerful
By: Anna Williams

Is anyone else reading this an overthinker? I confess that I’m often guilty of mentally ruminating on problems. I will take a concerning issue and analyze it from every possible angle to figure out how I’m going to tackle it. In some ways, for instance career-wise, this has made me more successful but in many other ways it has stolen my peace.

Trust in the LORD with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding; in all your ways submit to him, and he will make your paths straight. -Proverbs 3:5-6 NIV

What is it about worrying that steals our peace? I think it comes with the realization that we face a challenge we are inept to solve alone, however we have the prideful arrogance to insist on trying to do so. We cling to self-sufficiency like a toddler with a lollipop trapped inside a wrapper they cannot open themselves. 

How much better it is when at the outset of a new challenge, we take it to God in humility and prayer asking him to show us the way through it! God’s Word is full of examples of God giving peace, rest and a plan of attack to those who prayed to him earnestly. The next time we encounter an issue that we would usually worry about, let’s instead choose to pray!

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