Starting December 5th, service times are moving to Sundays at 8:30, 10, & 11:30 am!

Fear Knocks, Faith Answers

Thursday, May 2nd
Fear Knocks, Faith Answers
By: Chrissy Cooney
Ecclesiastes 7:14

My mom’s house had several framed cross-stitches hanging on the walls.  My absolute favorite hung in the living room near the front door.  

It said:
Fear Knocked at the Door
Faith Answered
No One was there.

I used to lay on the couch and read that over and over.  Sometimes I would imagine Dark, Scary, Fear coming knocking and Strong, Resilient, Faith boldly throwing open the front door only to find an empty front porch.

The truth is that dark times come.  Hard times come. Scary times come.  They come knocking on each of our doors.
Ecclesiastes 7:14 (NLT) says, “Enjoy prosperity while you can, but when hard times strike, realize that both come from God. Remember that nothing is certain in this life.”
Here is what IS certain.  God created this day.  Whether it’s a wonderfully beautiful day or a dark and cringy one – He made it. There is nothing, absolutely nothing, in this day that surprises Him.

Will every day be good? Certainly not.
Does God promise to be with us in every day?  Yes, He surely does.
Will things always turn out the way we think they will or the way we want them to? Nope. That will rarely happen.

Does God have a plan and a purpose for you that is bigger and better than anything you can think or imagine?  Yes, His Word says that He does!
Can God be trusted? Without a doubt!
Does He love you? He does.  With the greatest and most powerful kind of love.
He is Trustworthy. He is Good.  He is Faithful.  

Put your faith in Jesus and boldly throw open the door of what comes next with strength and resilience.  Fear will flee and you will find the front porch empty and Peace will prevail.

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