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Meditate on God's Word

Wednesday, April 24th
Meditate on God’s Word
By: Pastor Melissa Beauvais

Psalm 119:97-101

 Twice in these verses, the psalmist uses the word “meditate”. “Oh, how I love your law! I meditate on it all day long” (v.97) and “I have more insight than all my teachers, for I meditate on your statutes” (v.99).  Every word and stanza in Psalm 119 are intentional by the author. The Psalm itself is an acrostic poem with each stanza beginning with a successive Hebrew letter and each line within the stanza with that same letter. If that much detail is put in the way the poem was written, how much more is in the words themselves? My guess is a lot!

The word śîḥâ  (meditate) in this Psalm is only used 3x in the entire Hebrew Bible, twice here in Psalm 119. It means complete devotion or reflection. Our English concept of this word tends to lean in an Eastern religious tradition; however, meditation in the Hebrew culture is not so you can come to a place of transcendence but rather so that God’s voice is heard through His Word for transformation. Mediation allows us to delight in His ways; to praise in the work of His hands and gain understanding and wisdom that only He can provide.

Mediation on the Word of God is not a skimming of the words on the page but rather allowing the words to seep into one’s soul, confronting the old self, and redefining you into the likeness of Jesus.  Hebrews 4:12, notes that God’s Word is living and active, sharper than a double-edged sword that confronts, exposes, and divides bone and marrow. The author of Psalm 119 delighted in God’s exposure of His Word because goodness, righteousness, and blessing are only found in His Law.  Start today with finding one word in Psalm 119 to pray on. Allow God to speak into that word and into your heart, which will direct your path to what He wants you to know and experience today.

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