Starting December 5th, service times are moving to Sundays at 8:30, 10, & 11:30 am!

The Word Brings Hope

Tuesday, April 23rd
The Word brings Hope
By: Anna Williams

Obeying God’s word and living our lives in pursuit of Godly righteousness can create protections around us that prevent many of the pitfalls that engulf unbelievers.
Remember your word to your servant, in which you have made me hope. This is my comfort in my affliction, that your promise gives me life. -Psalm 119:49-50 ESV

Someone once became angry with me because I confronted them on breaking boundaries and abusing generosity. I was heartbroken to see them go but the behaviors could not be allowed to continue.

In anger and an attempt at retaliation, they threw out random, bizarre threats like “I’ll air your dirty laundry!” I was really taken aback by how quickly they turned nasty, as their true self was revealed in confrontation. And then I started to think “What could they possibly mean by dirty laundry?”

Don’t misunderstand me, I make mistakes every single day and I have many shortcomings. But the threat held no real power over me because over the years I have worked hard to build a life of integrity.

The beauty of the Gospel is that we can decide to surrender our lives to Christ and start living with integrity. It doesn’t matter what our past life was like, Jesus paid for it all. His Word will guide us and show us how to change. And when we are wrongfully attacked, the evidence of our life will speak for itself.

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