Starting December 5th, service times are moving to Sundays at 8:30, 10, & 11:30 am!


Thursday, April 11th
By: Chrissy Cooney

Psalm 90:14

Do you have favorite people? People that you just love to be around?
I tell my husband all the time that he is my favorite. I love just being in a room with him, the way he makes me laugh, how safe I feel when I am with him, and the way he listens when I need to talk. I love being around my daughters too – just hanging out and walking through life together. And I have a few friends that feel like family – friends that are easy to be in my jammies around and drink coffee with early in the morning.

Do you know that your Abba Father feels this way about you?  He loves you with a love that never ends and wants to spend time with you.  In fact, He created you so He could walk with you and talk with you – so that you could know His voice and He could show His love for you.

Do you want to feel that way about Him too? Practice His Presence - spend time listening to His voice, talk to Him and be still and listen. In Psalm 90:14 we read “Satisfy us in the morning with your unfailing love, that we may sing for joy and be glad all our days.” Go to Him in the morning, in your jammies.
He is the Lover of your soul. You will find yourself smiling at His friendship and relishing in the safety that His nearness brings. You will be overwhelmed by His mercy and full of joy that He calls you by name. You will find Him to be your Rest, your Refuge, and your Strength. You will find that your whole day changes because of the encounter, you may even find yourself singing for joy and filled with gladness!

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