Starting December 5th, service times are moving to Sundays at 8:30, 10, & 11:30 am!

Thankfulness and Hope

Thursday, December 28th
Thankfulness and Hope 
By: Chirssy Cooney

I love the first blank page of a brand-new journal.  It’s so full of possibility – an empty slate just waiting to be filled with ideas, moments, and experiences. And yet, there is uncertainty in that blank page as well. There will be moments of sadness, tears shed, difficult issues, and things that don’t go the way I want or expect them to go.  In many ways, I feel the same about a brand-new year.  What will this year hold? I look forward in anticipation, with both excitement and hesitation.  What twists and turns will life take in 2024?

There is only one certainty, and that is found in Jesus. “We have this hope as an anchor for the soul, firm and secure.  It enters the inner sanctuary behind the curtain, where our forerunner, Jesus, has entered on our behalf.  He has become a high priest forever, in the order of Melchizedek” Hebrews 6:19-20. We can’t know with certainty what tomorrow, next week, or next year holds; but our hope in Jesus, the one who has gone before us, keeps us firm and secure.  It’s our hope in Jesus that keeps us from being thrown around by the waves and storms that come our way.  He is our Firm Foundation.

This week, as we prepare to turn the first page of a brand-new year, I am proposing to thank my Savior for the storms that He has anchored me through in this past year.  And I am thanking Him for the hope of the future, the fact that He has gone before me, and that my hope and security are found in Him alone, the One that can never be shaken. The One that is the Almighty God, the Ruler of Heaven and Earth, who is Trustworthy, Faithful, and True. Will you join me in this prayer of thankfulness and hope?  

Lord Jesus, You are the Hope of the World, and I put my trust in You. Thank you for being my anchor on good days and bad, when the seas are calm and when the storms rage. Thank you for the ways that You have delivered me, saved me, and protected me in 2023 (name a few out loud, if you can).  I trust You alone with my future and I ask you to work in and through me in this next year.  

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