Starting December 5th, service times are moving to Sundays at 8:30, 10, & 11:30 am!

Why Didn't They Go?

December 8, 2023
Why Didn’t They Go?
By: Pastor Todd

“Why didn’t they go?”  It’s a question rolling around in my mind with no suitable answer.  I really can’t figure it out. Wisemen from the East come in such an impressive fashion and with such a potent question that all of Jerusalem is talking about it.  “Where is the one who has been born King of the Jews?” (Matthew 2:2 NIV)

Today I am thinking about the Chief Priests and teachers of the law that Herod called together to answer the question. They knew the answer… cold. Without debate or hesitation, they declared that the humble town of Bethlehem was to have the great privilege of hosting the newborn Messiah.  Then the wisemen leave- but the religious leaders don’t go with him. WHY?
I will leave that answer to your conjecture. The longer I think about it, the less curious and the more sad I become. Imagine knowing something is going to happen for so long, and then when it happens, you just ignore it. They had been praying for this for generations, and now the moment will pass them by.

Bethlehem is six miles from Jerusalem. They could have walked it in 2 hours. They didn’t go.
It's a cautionary tale for us today. It is possible to know scripture and never be moved by it.  We can talk about God and never talk to God. We can even do up Christmas to the max this year, but not experience the Christ built into the name. It happened to them, it can easily happen to us.

Here is my prayer today. I would love it if it was yours as well. “Jesus, I don’t want Christmas to come near me this year, I want you to come in me. Don’t let Christmas pass me by and leave me unchanged. Let me see you today.” Amen.

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