Starting December 5th, service times are moving to Sundays at 8:30, 10, & 11:30 am!

Pursue God in the Wait

Wednesday, December 6th
Pursue God In The Wait

By: Pastor Melissa

Hebrews 11:1
“Now faith is confidence in what we hope for and assurance about what we do not see. “

Advent season is upon us. The time on the Christian calendar when Christians across the globe enter a season of waiting. Advent, from the Latin word, adventus, literally means “coming”. The advent season rejoices and reflects that over 2000 years ago Israel was also in a posture of wait just before they experienced the Incarnation, God with us, through a babe named Jesus. We wait with anticipation in the present because by His Spirit we can experience Jesus’ salvation now with others, and we wait with hope for the future of His second coming. The one that will destroy death and a New Heaven and a New Earth will be established.  All believers from the past and present will rejoice together at the feast for all nations side by side as they worship God together for eternity.

Advent reminds us that waiting is not idle or stagnant. Advent comes each year with new celebrations and new hardships but with the same hope. And like the season, we walk in hope with it, simply pursuing God in each day.

But if we’re honest there are times in our waiting and in pursuit of God, it can feel like the waiting room of a doctor’s office; cold, dreary, uneventful, and less than ideal décor. We tend to then fill it with things that seem good and for a moment satisfy the ache and longing that wait can have. We reach for the tabloids we never buy but secretly want to read the juicy story on the cover and now since it is sitting on the table go for it. We are quickly reminded that the feeling was fleeting and we just wasted 15 min reading about someone else’s messy life and here we sit still waiting in the bland waiting room.

Advent causes us to pursue wait differently. To pursue God differently. Like a child counting down the days til the “big day” of Christmas morning, we too, should be waiting with the same faith and joy. Faith is what sustains our pursuit. Faith of the patriarchs in the Old Testament, faith of the lowly but earnest Mary, faith of the countless Christians that have gone before us to keep pursuing God. Don’t stop, friends. Wait with hope and anticipation.

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