Starting December 5th, service times are moving to Sundays at 8:30, 10, & 11:30 am!

Repent and Live

Wednesday, November 22nd
Repent and Live!
By: Pastor Melissa

Ezekiel 18

There is a saying that one can be the product of their circumstances or environment and while that may be true, we are all also gifted with the freedom of choice. With this freedom comes responsibility. 

Praise God for freedom and that we are not marionette dolls attached to some divine string that God orchestrates for His own leisure. But we are beautiful creations and images of His likeness, chosen and treasured, and loved. Freedom is both a gift and a grace. So, while circumstances could affect how we feel they do not have to define our future.

In Ezekiel 18, we read what God tells the prophet about personal choice and the consequences of those choices. In one scenario is a father who is righteous in all his ways (v1-8) but has a son who becomes violent and chooses everything apart from God (v.10-13). The father chose life, and the son chose death. His father will not suffer the consequences his son made for “his blood will be on his own head” (v13). Yet, the violent son has a child who sees the ways of his father and chooses a different way (v.14). He chooses to live! He chooses the ways of the LORD and not to be product of his environment. Someone else’s sins cannot justify the reason you sin! Years of abuse, neglect, and trauma must become undone and seeking help from godly friends and mentors can lead you to choose differently and praise God you do not do that alone. 

God takes no pleasure in the death of anyone (v.32). He says, “Rid yourselves of all the offenses you have committed and get a new heart and a new spirit” (v.31). By putting our hope in the One who did live out what it meant to be fully human while fully divine and died for the sins we have committed and will commit, you are declared righteous! You are free from the bondage of your past and environment. And the most beautiful part of this is your freedom in Christ will be seen by another who will desire that same freedom and love that dwells in you. So “Repent and live” says the Sovereign LORD (v.32).

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