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Are you Ready to Let it Go?

Tuesday, October 24th
Are You Ready to Let It Go?
By: Anna Williams

Sometimes human nature can tempt us to crave something that we know is not good for us and that previously enslaved us. Are you tempted to look back towards a place that God has rescued you from? Jesus said: 
“Remember what happened to Lot’s wife!
If you cling to your life, you will lose it,
and if you let your life go, you will save it.”
Luke 17:32-33 NLT

Two angels were sent to rescue Lot and his family - and they did so by a narrow escape. After a confrontation where the men of the city were trying to kidnap and violate the angels, the men were miraculously blinded, and the angels evacuated Lot’s family before fire and brimstone destroyed it. The details of the men’s evil actions hint at how terrible a place Lot’s home had become and yet, his wife struggled to leave. (Genesis 19)

Maybe it’s a fear of the unknown of what our new life might be like, or we’ve told ourselves that abuse is all we deserve. Regardless of how we want to rationalize it, we all arrive at a place of a decision. We can choose to surrender our past to Christ and focus on the new road before us, or we can turn back and get stuck there. 

You don’t have to fix yourself or repair your past trauma before you can accept Jesus. You can offer him your heart exactly as it is now. If you genuinely desire him to be Lord of your life, you choose daily to follow him and you fix your eyes on the road ahead.

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