Starting December 5th, service times are moving to Sundays at 8:30, 10, & 11:30 am!

Be Still... and Lean In

Friday, October 20th
Be Still… and Lean In
By: Chrissy Cooney

Bubba is our Redbone Coonhound who HATES having his ears cleaned and his nails clipped. When he first joined our home (fresh from the shelter) he would thrash about, try to get away, and even snap at our hands. After some time, Bubba started to trust us. He learned to be still.  He started to understand that we were caring for him and not trying to hurt him. Instead of pulling away – he started to lean in. He still hates having his ears cleaned and his nails cut, but now he presses his head into my lap while we care for him. Leaning into me, his stillness tells me that he trusts me and he knows that I care for him.  

Do you understand today how much God cares for you? Our Powerful and Awesome God loves YOU and wants to show His provision, His deliverance, and His might in your life. He is big enough, strong enough, and in every way enough to fight and win on your behalf. Your job is to be still and trust Him. Your job is to lean in. You can cast your cares on Him because He cares for you (1 Peter 5:7).

We find an example of how to “lean in” to Jesus in the Psalms. Psalm 13 follows a pattern common to many of the prayers found there: 

  • A cry for help, “How long must I struggle with the anguish in my soul?” (v2)
  • Followed by an expression of authentic feelings, “Restore the sparkle to my eyes, or I will die” (v3b) 
  • Followed by a declaration of trust in Almighty God and His saving power, “But I trust in your unfailing love.” (v5)

It’s not about ignoring feelings or pretending they don’t exist; it’s about expressing them to the One who cares for us, the One who is able to handle every detail. 

Be still in the presence of our Mighty God today.  Imagine yourself physically leaning on Him and then tell Him how you are feeling. Tell Him what is hurting your heart, what fear is rising up, what is causing you worry. Tell Him that you trust Him to handle it – that you understand how big and strong and mighty He is and know that He loves you and He is more than able to handle everything that comes your way.  

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