Starting December 5th, service times are moving to Sundays at 8:30, 10, & 11:30 am!

When a Pause is your Best Response

Tuesday, October 17th
When a Pause is Your Best Response
By: Anna Williams

Sometimes we encounter wounds from others that truly are malicious or devious. A line has been crossed and the affront cannot go unanswered.

For me, that happened in a situation that directly affected my disabled child. The injustice seemed to sting more because the person attacked was a vulnerable child that I love and protect. A fiery, righteous anger welled up inside of me and I was ready to unleash all fury I could muster against that person.
“Don’t sin by letting anger control you.
Think about it overnight and remain silent.” 
Psalm 4:4 NLT

To experience anger is not a sin, but letting it take control of you leads to sin. By the world’s standards, the “brave” response would be to heap insults upon said person and belittle them so much that they leave the room crying. And boy is it tempting to do that some days! But we are called to live according to God’s standards.

Do not misunderstand me. We must stand up to injustices and fight for the rights of the oppressed. But we must do so in God’s timing with the leading of his Holy Spirit. When we take the time to pause and reflect on the entire situation – micro and macro; we will see our part to play in an appropriate response that displays the fruits of the Spirit. We also remember that vengeance is the Lord’s. (Romans 12:19)

Today I encourage you to meditate on these fruits and how you can incorporate them into your responses: Love, Joy, Peace, Patience, Kindness, Goodness, Faithfulness, Gentleness and Self-Control (Galatians 5:22-23)

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