Starting December 5th, service times are moving to Sundays at 8:30, 10, & 11:30 am!

The Brave Life

Friday, October 6th
The Brave Life
By: Pastor Todd

For Christ (sent me to) preach the gospel — not with words of human wisdom, lest the cross of Christ be emptied of its power.
-I Corinthians 1:17 NIV

Few enticements woo us like power. To have others do what we want, to go where we want to go, to be in charge of the event, or to have others hanging on our every word. It’s addictive.And the human paths to power are well worn. Be the smartest, the richest, the best connected or most ruthless. Like it or hate it, that is the way of our world.

It is not the way of the cross. All the seen powers of this world: the politicians in their chambers,the executives in their glass buildings, and the bullies in life’s playgrounds cannot match the unseen power at work in the lives of genuine humble Christians. When the powers of this world flex their muscles, they do what we expect- and we hardly notice anymore. When God’s humble servants share generously, give away the credit, refuse to argue and fight- that’s when heads turn.

When Paul, a skilled orator, decided that he would out-love instead of out-argue, he was choosing The Brave Life. Every time we step back, take a breath, and look for the road less traveled at home, work, in our neighborhoods, and even our church, we are relying on the power of the cross. When you have the chance to take the humble road and are tempted to think it just doesn’t work, remind yourself of all the crosses you see everywhere. They are a reminder that what just can’t work…does.

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