Starting December 5th, service times are moving to Sundays at 8:30, 10, & 11:30 am!

Seasons of Change

Wednesday, July 12

Seasons of Change
By: Pastor Shane Beauvais

It is easy to dismiss the idea that life is seasonal until we desperately want, wait, hope, and pray to be in another. In these moments, the reality of having little to no control over what is coming next can be overwhelming. Knowing that God never changes and trusting His perfect plans are encouraging truths. However, this faith takes on a new meaning when we are subject to the change around us.

Psalm 104:19 reads: “He made the moon to mark the seasons, and the sun knows when to go down.” Think about that! No matter the season, the sun knows when to go down because of Him! If we believe that He set the stars over us at night and brings the power of daylight in perfect rhythm, then it would be appropriate to recognize our role in every season.

God has meticulously planned every detail of our existence. While we may never understand why God allows things to happen the way they do, He knows what He is doing. God is in charge and has assigned a time for everything under His plan for our life. Everything is under His perfect design. Everything He does is for our benefit and His glory, even when we cannot see it!

Our responsibility is not to choose mindlessly while hoping for the best. No, we are responsible for listening to God first and believing in His timetable during changing seasons. Only then will our choice for what is next best align with what He has planned for us from the beginning.

It is our responsibility to be faithful even when we cannot see what is ahead; it is also our responsibility to seek His wisdom in changing seasons. Remember, God’s power accomplishes what His wisdom dictates, not what our wisdom desires.

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