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Lessons from the Moon

Friday, July 7

Lessons From The Moon
By: Anna Williams

“God’s Son has all the brightness of God’s own glory and is like him in every way. By his own mighty word, he holds the universe together. After the Son had washed away our sins, he sat down at the right side of the glorious God in heaven." Hebrews 1:3 CEV

Have you ever seen the moon very large, low to the horizon and colored bright orange? It stops you in your tracks and makes you look twice. One night my husband and I were driving home and saw that very same moon. It was startling! We both wondered how at times it looks grey or blue and then others it can have such a bright reddish orange color. Thanks to modern technology I was able to look it up online immediately with my smart phone. The answer was that when the moon appears nearer to the horizon, the light we see from it travels at an angle through more of the earth’s atmosphere (and dust particles, etc) thus filtering out the blues and greys and creating a red or orange tint.  
Sure enough, as we traveled along and more time passed, the moon rose higher in the sky and it began to change back to its normal grey color. It dawned on me that this appearance of movement in the moon is actually a result of the earth slowly rotating beneath us and the perfectly orchestrated orbit of the moon around us…. Stop and think about that for a moment. The entire existence of man on Earth is subject to the perfect order and laws of physics that God set in motion.

No matter what we plan for our short lives; no matter how famous we become; or how insignificant we seem to others – our lives are all completely dependent upon God. If we didn’t know better, one could compare us to ants busily building our little mounds that at any moment could be kicked apart and wrecked by a superior being. But praise God that’s not the case and we have a loving Creator who wants to take an active, loving role in our lives! God did not just create the world and walk away from it. The Bible tells us that His Spirit is everywhere and that no matter where we go, we cannot escape his love.

When we accept Jesus as Lord of our lives with humility and adoration, we get in sync with God’s creation. This brings fulfillment and joy that cannot be found through any other pursuits. Take a moment today to study something beautiful in God’s creation and then talk to Him about it.

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