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Finding Joy in Jesus

Thursday, June 22

Finding Joy In Jesus
By: Lori Ennis

"You make known to me the path of life; in your presence there is fullness of joy; at your right hand are pleasures forevermore." - Psalm 16:11 (ESV)

Sometimes, this world makes it easy to lose sight of where we should find joy.
Actually, more times than not, the world makes it easy to lose sight.

We find ‘joy’ in what we have, the places we are or wish to be, and the people we like and love.

And of course, God delights in giving us those good and perfect gifts to enjoy.

But the truth is, it’s all temporary. The things fade away…the people come in and out of our lives…the places change and are just temporal.

True and lasting joy can only be found in Christ. He never changes, and He is the fulfilment of everything we long for inside our souls. When it’s all stripped away–He is enough.

The problem with finding more joy in our stuff or our places than we do on our Jesus is that those things shift. Even people we love can come or go, disappoint and hurt us—even if unintentionally. Human connections are clearly important as Jesus commands us first to love God, and then, His people. But, it’s in Jesus that we find the truest, most perfect love. His love is unconditional, unwavering, and never fails. Placing our trust in Jesus as the source of our joy and love guards our hearts against disappointment and enables us to love others selflessly.
So how do we find joy in Jesus and not in the things, people, or places in our lives?
First and foremost, we must cultivate a personal relationship with Him. Spend time in prayer, seeking His presence and guidance. Dive into His Word, as it reveals His character, promises, and instructions for living a joyful life. When we draw closer to Him, we discover that true joy is found in knowing Him intimately.
Then, we have to change our perspective. Instead of placing our happiness in the temporary and ever-changing aspects of life, let's anchor our joy in the unchanging nature of Jesus. Recognize that He is the source of all good things, and every blessing we receive is a gift from His hand. When we see life through the lens of gratitude and acknowledge His sovereignty, joy becomes our constant companion.

Finally, and this may be one of the hardest things for our human flesh, we must surrender OUR desires and ambitions to the Lord. As we align our will with His, we find contentment in His plans for our lives. Our joy is no longer dependent on achieving worldly success or accumulating possessions but on fulfilling God's purpose for us. Embracing His will allows us to experience the deep satisfaction and joy that comes only from Him.

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