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Perception and Reality

Wednesday, June 14

Perception and Reality
By: Pastor Shane Beauvais

Over the years, I have been blessed by solid leadership rooted in the local church, academia, and the military. Even though the most common refining, shaping, and molding method has been, at times, through the fire, there have been many moments within the different seasons where those in my home have shaped my personal development. My wife, children, friends, and different experiences in the community have significantly impacted my spiritual reflection.
Do we underutilize these areas of shaping for reflection? I would say, sometimes, yes. 

I find it challenging to ask trusted individuals “what they see” in my character and leadership—especially when inviting them to define me, which may look completely different from my perception. 

Are you with me? Our lens always gives us grace when we examine ourselves, but does it match what others see? Think about that.
It is easy to downplay our actions based on the circumstances in our context without giving much thought to what our reflection proclaims to others. Luke 12:2 reminds us that “Nothing concealed will be disclosed or hidden that will not be made known. What you have said in the dark will be heard in the daylight, and what you have whispered in the ear in the inner rooms will be proclaimed from the roofs.”

Although this passage displays a theme of hypocrisy, I want to dig deeper today. Under intense pressure, under persecution, when put in a fear-producing situation, when relationships get messy, when someone within our relational circle hurts us, or when we are required to speak about a problematic situation, do we reflect that of Jesus’s followers? Is our reaction under fire worthy of proclaiming from the rooftops, or does our perception blind us? Preaching this reflection of grace to others is one thing; living it out is another.
Jesus promised and granted the Holy Spirit after his ascension (Luke 24:49; Acts 1:4-5, 8; 2:1-4, 38). We can respond by the flesh or the Spirit. We are not free from difficult conversations and circumstances. There will always be relational challenges, and we will always be examined when responding. How we respond in the dark will be heard in the light, and nothing of our character will be concealed. This truth is the reality, not what our perception of reality may be.

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