Starting December 5th, service times are moving to Sundays at 8:30, 10, & 11:30 am!

What Do You Want?

Tuesday, June 13

What Do You Want?
By: Pastor Mark White

Turning around, Jesus saw them
following and asked, 
“What do you want?”
John 1:38a

I’ve heard it said that you can learn a lot about a person by how they answer a question
but you can learn even more from the questions they ask.

I find that very interesting because if Jesus was a master at answering the questions that were asked of Him in the Gospels, then what were the questions He asked? Truthfully, His questions reveal so much about Him and His wisdom. In the Bible, Jesus asked a total of 307 questions (according to Google).  

He asked questions like, "Why do you involve Me?" when He was at a wedding that ran out of wine.  Or, when He was alone with His disciples, He asked, "Who do you say that I am?"  Or, when Jesus’s close friend Lazarus died, and his sister was in pain, Jesus said, “I am the resurrection and the life, and he that believes in Me, though he were dead, yet shall he live.”  Then Jesus asked her, “Do you believe this?’

The very first question that we see Jesus asking is in the Gospel of John.  He encountered two possible disciples who once followed John the Baptist but were now curiously trailing behind Jesus. Jesus turned to them and asked, "What do you want?" 

This question wasn’t just significant for them but for us as well.  Jesus has this way of asking deep questions that touch the core of our desires, hopes, and dreams.  

These two disciples don’t answer Jesus’s question, but they do respond by asking, “Where are you staying?” And Jesus answers, “Come and See.” Jesus invites them on a journey that will change their hearts and desires to be more like his.  They discovered, and so will we, that what we want from God often differs from what God wants for us.  

So, let me ask you–how would you answer that question?  What do you truly want?  What drives you?  What is your deepest desire?  

Today, let’s open our hearts to the reality that “No human mind has conceived the things God has prepared for those who love him.”

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