Starting December 5th, service times are moving to Sundays at 8:30, 10, & 11:30 am!

See Them Clearly

Monday, June 5

See Them Clearly
By: Pastor Amie Donovan

“The King will reply, ‘Truly I tell you, whatever you did for one of the least of these brothers and sisters of mine, you did for me.’ -Matthew 25:40

Our young adult study, Summit, was challenged this past week to treat everyone as if they’re Christ.

One person spoke up and said it transformed their week in a life-giving and life-changing way! Someone can’t pay for their milk. Would you step in if it was Jesus? A new driver dings your car, did you treat them as if Jesus dinged your car? A person in your workplace isn’t pulling their share of the weight. Would you engage with them as if their Jesus? 

An argument could be made that Jesus is the everlasting water, so He probably doesn’t drink milk. That He can walk on water so clearly, He can park a car correctly. Jesus is who we cast our burdens onto, so He probably wouldn’t slack at work either. Maybe you’ll shut down from this challenge instantly because of Jesus’ perfection but what about the verse above? 

I don’t believe this challenge is far off from the words penned in Matthew 25. Jesus expects His followers' lives to overflow with love and mercy. He expects us to be compassionate people. Our response to others should overflow from a loving knowledge of the Savior that extended grace, exhausted mercy, and laid Himself down while we were yet sinners. He gives what we need, not what we deserve. 

Father God, would you transform how I view everything I do this week? Help me to show patience! Help me to slow down and see all people as your image bearers! Make me faithful, make me resourceful, make me aware of whom it is I serve! Empty me of myself so all they see is you!


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