June 1st, 2023
Thursday, June 1
Still and Small
By: Lori Ennis
“Whether you turn to the right or to the left, your ears will hear a voice behind you, saying, ‘This is the way; walk in it.’” Isaiah 30:21
I am horribly indecisive.
I so badly want to obey God, and I firmly believe that He has a plan and will for my life. I believe if I am obeying Him and living in His will, I’ll be fulfilled with a Peace and joy that go beyond all understanding.
If you’re like me, though, maybe you have a hard time knowing what that plan and will look like? Maybe you ask Him for abundantly clear answers and pathways so you feel more secure in your decision-making? I sure do.
But the thing is…what if we’re missing something when we ask that of Him? In the verse above, Isaiah is telling the people of Judah that following God’s way is THE way. It seems like it would be a lot easier to follow if the Holy Spirit was LOUD and abundantly clear–and sometimes, it is.
We need to remember, though, that Holy Spirit is also still and small…and asks us to pray and ask for guidance. In order to experience it, we have to truly focus on listening to and seeing His way in the smaller, less obvious direction. More often, those ‘God winks’ or ‘Holy Spirit signs’ aren’t typically loud or booming.
They’re quiet things that we see and feel in our soul…those things where we can’t help but say, “I see you, God.”
Maybe we’re just looking for ‘easy’ when we ask for loud, booming signs of what we should do, because we don’t want to be still and quiet.
This week, consider slowing down and being still. Be quiet and listen for His direction and guidance in a way that isn’t a 2’ x 4’ hitting you over the head. When you do, you might find that you’ll not only get the privilege of a sweet, intimate communion with Him, but an assurance that is even greater than that neon sign you’re constantly looking for.
Still and Small
By: Lori Ennis
“Whether you turn to the right or to the left, your ears will hear a voice behind you, saying, ‘This is the way; walk in it.’” Isaiah 30:21
I am horribly indecisive.
I so badly want to obey God, and I firmly believe that He has a plan and will for my life. I believe if I am obeying Him and living in His will, I’ll be fulfilled with a Peace and joy that go beyond all understanding.
If you’re like me, though, maybe you have a hard time knowing what that plan and will look like? Maybe you ask Him for abundantly clear answers and pathways so you feel more secure in your decision-making? I sure do.
But the thing is…what if we’re missing something when we ask that of Him? In the verse above, Isaiah is telling the people of Judah that following God’s way is THE way. It seems like it would be a lot easier to follow if the Holy Spirit was LOUD and abundantly clear–and sometimes, it is.
We need to remember, though, that Holy Spirit is also still and small…and asks us to pray and ask for guidance. In order to experience it, we have to truly focus on listening to and seeing His way in the smaller, less obvious direction. More often, those ‘God winks’ or ‘Holy Spirit signs’ aren’t typically loud or booming.
They’re quiet things that we see and feel in our soul…those things where we can’t help but say, “I see you, God.”
Maybe we’re just looking for ‘easy’ when we ask for loud, booming signs of what we should do, because we don’t want to be still and quiet.
This week, consider slowing down and being still. Be quiet and listen for His direction and guidance in a way that isn’t a 2’ x 4’ hitting you over the head. When you do, you might find that you’ll not only get the privilege of a sweet, intimate communion with Him, but an assurance that is even greater than that neon sign you’re constantly looking for.
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