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Bold as a Lion

Tuesday, May 23

Bold As A Lion
By: Pastor Mark White

"The righteous are as bold as lions."

I was watching a YouTube clip of a group of people on a Safari when a lion came out of nowhere.  And even though it just stood there at a distance, it commanded such respect that the whole group that was once laughing and talking was now sitting in complete silence.

We have this admiration for the strength and fearlessness of a lion.  They are known as the kings of the jungle, representing power and courage. That’s why it is so interesting that the Bible compares the righteous to lions.  I mean, What a powerful image!  It’s an image inviting us to embrace a boldness that comes from righteousness.

It’s a boldness like David's when facing Goliath, holding on to the promise that God would be with his people and give them victory.  Or a boldness like the Apostle Paul despite facing intense persecution, imprisonment, trials, hardship, and being shipwrecked.  He still stood before kings and rulers confidently sharing the good news of Jesus.  Or a boldness like Moses–in the face of his own fears, he relied on God to lead His people out of bondage.  Or, even boldness like Peter on the day of Pentecost, fearlessly standing up to proclaim a risen Jesus to thousands - impacting the world around him. 

As Followers of Christ, we are called to live with this lion-like boldness.  We do this by holding onto God's promises like David, standing firm in the faith like Paul, conquering our fears like Moses, and impacting our world like Peter.  When we do, we reflect the righteousness of Christ within us. 

So today, let’s embrace the boldness that comes from our relationship with the Almighty and let our lives be a testimony to His power.

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