Starting December 5th, service times are moving to Sundays at 8:30, 10, & 11:30 am!

Jesus, Our Friend

Monday, May 22

Jesus, Our Friend
By: Pastor Amie Donovan

Jesus, our friend.

Trust in him at all times, you people;
pour out your hearts to him,
for God is our refuge.

-Psalm 62:8

Amid trouble, David pens the words found in Psalm 62. He reminds us that we serve a God who knows all, sees all, and is above all. We (you and I) are invited to pour out our hearts to the God that is our safe space. Would you sit in the truth of this poem at the start of a new week?

Tell Jesus when the burden seems too great for you to bear;
Go lay it at the feet of Christ, and know that he will care;
And tell him all the little things that come to cloud your way,
The puzzles and perplexities that trouble you today.

Tell Jesus all there is to tell about your daily needs;
About the dim uncertainties through which our pathway leads;
About the cherished hopes that lie crushed lifeless at your feet,
The golden dreams left unfulfilled, the labor incomplete.

If you could know how tenderly he makes your cares his own,
You would not stand apart again and bear the pain alone;
You would not miss the joy and peace of walking at his side,
Of finding tempest changed to calm, and sorrow sanctified.

I tell him all the story now; no other friend can be,
In morning light or evening shade, what Jesus is to me;
His human heart is still the same today as yesterday,
And in his love I find my rest, and in his strength my stay.

D. Wesley Myland

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