Starting December 5th, service times are moving to Sundays at 8:30, 10, & 11:30 am!

Let Them See Struggle

Thursday, April 27

Let Them See Struggle
By: Lori Ennis

“Train up a child in the way he should go, even when he is old he will not depart from it.” Proverbs 22:6

Don’t we all want our kids to think of us as strong and capable–unphased by anything? Are you like I am, putting on the “I’ve got it all together” face because you’d rather bear the burden of whatever’s going on yourself instead of having another bear it?

Do you do that with your kids? Isn’t it our natural instinct to show our kids we’ve got it all under control and they don’t have to worry about anything?

The truth is our kids learn from us when we struggle. They learn from us when they see us empty and poured out.

And they learn how to handle those times by watching how we react and respond to struggle and emptiness.

Do you pretend like you’ve got it all together, or do you openly and honestly admit that you don’t and you need Jesus to help you? Do you keep beating your head against the wall with weariness and arrogance that you can handle it, or do you let your kids see you cry out to Jesus and ask Him to fill your cup?

It’s true that kids are mirrors; they say what we say and do what we do.
So if you’re tired and empty, let your kids see. It’s real life.

But make sure they see you take your emptiness to Jesus. Make sure they see you swallow your pride and watch you fall on your knees as you ask Jesus for His help. Make sure they watch you allow The One who loves you so to pour His peace and love into you and fill you up as only He can. What a gift you’ll give them!

Because when life brings them the inevitable struggles of their own, they’ll know just what to do. And just Whom to turn!

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