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Death's Sting

Thursday, April 13,

Death’s Sting
By: Lori Ennis

…”He will wipe away every tear from their eyes; and there will no longer be any death; there will no longer be any mourning, or crying, or pain; the first things have passed away.” Revelation 21:4

Easter is always my favorite holiday because I cling to, “Now Death, where is your sting?” almost more than any other words on the planet.

Because the truth is, death DOES sting.
Still. Even when I’m singing my heart out in Easter Sunday service like I was last weekend.
It always will sting on this earth because it is not our home.

The last few days have been ones of painful anniversaries. Eleven years ago, on April 9, I lost my third son (and the second to die) while I was still pregnant with him. Twenty years ago, On April 10, I lost my mother to cancer when she was just a few years older than I am now.

Death still stings.

And that’s why Jesus’s resurrection is so precious to me.
Death stings right now, but one day, He WILL wipe every tear and there will be no more death…no more crying…no more pain.

He defeated death, and though you may be dealing with days where you feel like He can’t defeat THIS pain and THIS suffering you’re going through…let me assure you that not only CAN He, but He DID.

“Healing” is a hard word because many think it means the ‘wound’ is back as it was before.
For some things, though, healing on this earth, through Jesus, means living a life with a heart full of His joy and the sorrow of the world at the same time.

It’s okay for death to sting; that’s why His defeat over the grave is so triumphant. If you’re feeling like it still stings, or it always will, hold on to Hope. Reach out to Him for His comfort and Peace that only He can give.

And know you’re not alone…many of us weep and mourn on this earth, but one day….one day we’ll all fully rejoice in Heaven together!

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