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Life is Not Fair

Friday, March 24

Life Is Not Fair
By: Pastor Todd Crofford

If you are waiting for life to become fair, I hope you packed a lunch. Life in this world is unfair; always has been, and always will be.  

Sometimes the athlete gets sick and dies while the couch potato lives long. The hardest worker gets fired, and the cheater gets promoted. Couples who long for children end up barren. 

Pain is not distributed equally.  Neither is opportunity, wealth, or health. In fact, when my children were younger, sometimes I distributed candy or gifts unevenly to them just to demonstrate this.  (I was careful to not always give more to the same one- that would be called favoritism.)

However, in this world, we have something better than fair- we have grace.  When Paul- who got an extra dose of suffering compared to everyone around him- went to Christ in prayer, Jesus said to him:

My grace is sufficient for you for my power is made perfect in weakness.
-II Corinthians 12:9

Paul so completely trusted that promise that he learned to rejoice that he was weak so that this kind of powerful grace would rest on him.  

I’m pretty sure Paul did not get to that position easily or quickly.  It is so hard to suffer and accept that God is allowing it.  But Paul claims, and I want to know this as well, that the experience of God’s grace makes even the pain worth it.

There is a day when all will be made right, but that day is in eternity when God, the perfect arbiter of what is right, sets everything straight.  Until that day, rely on his grace to carry you through whatever you face.  Recognize the position of weakness and embrace it as a way of remembering there is a grace available for you today.

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