March 22nd, 2023
Wednesday, March 22
Quenching the Spirit
By: Pastor Shane Beauvais
1 Thessalonians 5:16–22 reads:
“Rejoice always, pray continually, give thanks in all circumstances; for this is God’s will for you in Christ Jesus. Do not quench the Spirit. Do not treat prophecies with contempt but test them all; hold on to what is good, reject every kind of evil.”
When the Spirit is alive in us, we live joyfully against the grain in the face of opposition. We pray with humility. We express our gratitude by highlighting our blessings rather than our troubles. Grace and truth are easy to discern here! Do not quench the Spirit!
If we are honest, there are areas within where the Spirit is alive and active that can make us uncomfortable sometimes. Areas where Holy Spirit nudges us a bit to encourage some spiritual surgery, areas that require a response for transformation. Grace is undoubtedly present, but the truth is sometimes brutal to accept here! Do not quench the Spirit!
The reality is that, at times, it is hard to feel in our hearts what we may know to be true in our heads, especially when it comes to accepting what Jesus has offered us in His combined grace and truth, no matter the season or circumstance.
We live in an unbalanced world when it comes to grace and truth. For many, it is easy to accept grace without owning the truth. Where it hurts the most is where truth is proclaimed without grace.
Are we willing to allow God to be both grace and truth in our lives? Perhaps a more challenging question would be, “Are you willing to allow God to be both grace and truth through you in the lives of others?”
John Wesley, the founder of the Methodist movement, preached: “Quench not the Spirit—Wherever it is, it burns, it flames in holy love, in joy, prayer, thanksgiving: O quench it not, damp it not, in yourself or others; either by neglecting to do good or by doing evil.
How do you respond when the Holy Spirit pushes in on some area of your life? Are you quick to diminish, snuff out, the Spirit? Or do you allow the Spirit to empower you through the grace and truth you have been given?
Quenching the Spirit
By: Pastor Shane Beauvais
1 Thessalonians 5:16–22 reads:
“Rejoice always, pray continually, give thanks in all circumstances; for this is God’s will for you in Christ Jesus. Do not quench the Spirit. Do not treat prophecies with contempt but test them all; hold on to what is good, reject every kind of evil.”
When the Spirit is alive in us, we live joyfully against the grain in the face of opposition. We pray with humility. We express our gratitude by highlighting our blessings rather than our troubles. Grace and truth are easy to discern here! Do not quench the Spirit!
If we are honest, there are areas within where the Spirit is alive and active that can make us uncomfortable sometimes. Areas where Holy Spirit nudges us a bit to encourage some spiritual surgery, areas that require a response for transformation. Grace is undoubtedly present, but the truth is sometimes brutal to accept here! Do not quench the Spirit!
The reality is that, at times, it is hard to feel in our hearts what we may know to be true in our heads, especially when it comes to accepting what Jesus has offered us in His combined grace and truth, no matter the season or circumstance.
We live in an unbalanced world when it comes to grace and truth. For many, it is easy to accept grace without owning the truth. Where it hurts the most is where truth is proclaimed without grace.
Are we willing to allow God to be both grace and truth in our lives? Perhaps a more challenging question would be, “Are you willing to allow God to be both grace and truth through you in the lives of others?”
John Wesley, the founder of the Methodist movement, preached: “Quench not the Spirit—Wherever it is, it burns, it flames in holy love, in joy, prayer, thanksgiving: O quench it not, damp it not, in yourself or others; either by neglecting to do good or by doing evil.
How do you respond when the Holy Spirit pushes in on some area of your life? Are you quick to diminish, snuff out, the Spirit? Or do you allow the Spirit to empower you through the grace and truth you have been given?
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