Starting December 5th, service times are moving to Sundays at 8:30, 10, & 11:30 am!

The Known God

Monday, March 13
The Known God
By: Pastor Amie Donovan

I want you to stop reading this devotional. I’m serious. Time to log off and read Acts 17:16-34. 

That was so good, wasn’t it?!

“The God who made the world and everything in it is the Lord of heaven and earth and does not live in temples built by human hands. And he is not served by human hands, as if he needed anything. Rather, he himself gives everyone life and breath and everything else.”                    -ACTS 17:24-25 NIV

Paul is in Athens when he sees an altar to an “UNKNOWN GOD.” Bothered by this, Paul began telling the Greek philosophers nearby about Jesus. The KNOWN GOD. He walks them through Creation and moves into the resurrection of Christ. He tells them about a God who needs nothing but gives His everything! Then you get to verse 34.

“Some of the people began to follow….”

Have you ever had your entire belief system flipped upside down? A person came into your life, or maybe you walked into theirs, and your mind is blown by what you hear? Your life radically changed by what is in front of you? 

That’s what happened to those “who followed.” Everything they thought they knew was brought into question, and their response required humility. 

When Jesus calls us out of a booth, or out of a boat, or out of our own heads, our response requires humility. It requires us to trade our altar to the unknown for a relationship with the all-knowing.

God has, is, and will always be all that we need. He is self-sufficient and perfect in every way, yet He desires you. He not only desires you, He desires to be known by you. 


Do you know the God who fully knows you?
Today, in humility, spend time in prayer getting to know the God that desires you.

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