Starting December 5th, service times are moving to Sundays at 8:30, 10, & 11:30 am!

Turning Evil

Wednesday, March 1

Turning Evil
By: Melissa Beauvais

Take a moment and read the story of Joseph (Genesis 37-50.) . It is fascinating, but one of the pivotal moments comes in Chapter 45 when Joseph reveals and forgives. A quick synopsis of the story is this: Joseph was scolded by his family and hated by his brothers. They hated him so much that they threw him into a pit. He was then sold into slavery, lived in a foreign land, and was jailed for false accusations. Anyone would not have questioned Joseph if he resented his brothers. If he wanted to get revenge…. Good, “An eye for an eye,” they might say.

But Joseph’s story is different. You see, from Josephs’s obedience and faithfulness, he rose to second in command next to Pharaoh. From his dreams, he knew a famine would come, so he stored up grain to last and save. Then his family came to Egypt. Face to face, Joseph’s trust and faithfulness are tested. What will he do?

He forgives.

Joseph turned his face and wept, then revealed to his brothers who he was. Terrified, the brothers thought for sure they were goners. Still, Joseph replies, “Do not be angrily dismayed…God sent” (Gen.45:5). Three times, Joseph makes known that it was God who placed him there and for a purpose…to save (Gen.45). Still not for sure if Joseph was true to his word they beg for his forgiveness. Again Joseph says, “As for you, you meant evil against me, but God meant it for good” (Gen. 50:20a).

That’s what forgiveness does.

Turns the evil that can be so prevalent in one’s heart into good. We can be bitter, angry, and hate those who have wronged us, and the world says we have a right, but God says He can turn it into good if you let Him.

Several years ago, I felt forgiveness in a way that was so tangible and real. All it took was a bag of coffee and the humility to walk. The embrace and tears were enough to make new the ugliness that crept inside my heart, and the beauty of restoration was felt powerfully. Forgiveness is not just mere words; It is the power that restores and reconciles what was once broken and lost. Through a man named Jesus who carried a cross, was beaten, nailed, pierced for our transgressions, and then raised, we are forgiven. Forgiveness is reciprocating. We are forgiven so that we can forgive.

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