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It's Still a Wonderful Life

Friday, December 2, 2022

It’s Still A Wonderful Life
By: Pastor Todd Crofford
It’s that time of year again to watch “It’s a Wonderful Life.” (I confess I still cry at the end.)

Did you know the classic came out in 1947?  Of course, it was released in black and white.  That’s how people watched it for 40 years until 1986 when it was colorized and released to enjoy in color. I’ve seen both and can’t bear to watch it in black and white now that I have enjoyed color.

It got me thinking that for those who live life without Christ, it is as if they are still stuck in a black-and-white world. All the technology, entertainment, and conveniences of life cannot bring the color that only comes with the light of Christ.  The problem- they are so used to it that it is just normal for them.

Then along you come and shine the light of Christ. John refers to this as the life that is the light of all men.” (John 1) 

Once people see that, the Spirit will cause them to desire it, and the door is opened for them to come into the light.  

This Christmas, ask God to use you to colorize someone’s life.  They have no idea what they have been missing.

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