Starting December 5th, service times are moving to Sundays at 8:30, 10, & 11:30 am!

He Wept

Wednesday, November 2
He Wept
By: Melissa Beauvais

“Jesus wept.” John 11:35

These two words, though short, are filled with truth, hope, and love. 

In John 11, Jesus approaches the town where His friend Lazarus has died. Surrounding Him, his friends are grieving and broken. Jesus weeps. 

In all of His glory and divinity, the very humanness of God is revealed. Here fully God and fully man, Jesus feels the raw emotion of loss, pain, and suffering over his friends and for his friends.

The year was 2020, and it began with a childhood friend who lost her child to the flu. Three weeks later, the world began to shut down. The first week of April, my sister was in a horrible car accident that shook us to the core; my great-grandmother died in April of covid-19, and a week later, my aunt died of an aneurysm. Then in June, my cousin lost his 20-year-old daughter in a tragic car accident. 

All the while, life as we knew it had been completely rocked, changed and flipped upside down.

Unable to process all that was going on and mourn with those who were also mourning, death and loss became a surreal process. 

I felt the weight and emotions of being unable to gather and walk with family and friends, painful and heavy. I was tired. I was emotionally drained. I was spiritually drained. 

Loss was coming in from all facets. Not just physical death and loss but the loss of relationships, loss of normalcy, loss of jobs, loss of community; it was all coming to a head. 

I felt utterly alone. At my breaking point one night on my knees, I cried out to God to take it all away, and then I remembered Jesus wept, too.

Jesus sees us in our sorrow, hurt, and emptiness, allowing us to feel every emotion and weeps with us. 
Yet, the beauty in our weeping is that He also restores. 

Jesus catches every tear that falls and can use it to provide hope for tomorrow. God reminds us that He is still our God by restoring, providing our strength, and upholding us with His righteous right hand (Isaiah 41:10). In the loss of today, Christ provides the strength for tomorrow.

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