March 14th, 2022
Open My Eyes
By: Pastor Amie Donovan
“Open my eyes that I may see wonderful things in your law.” Psalm 119:18
Michael W. Smith sings a song called, “Open the eyes of my heart.” The lyrics are simple, yet they hold the most passionate of prayers.
“Open the eyes of my heart, LORD.
Open the eyes of my heart.
I want to see you.
I want to see you. “
In Luke 24:13-25 we read of a time Jesus opened eyes to see rightly. The story begins after Jesus was resurrected from the grave. While walking on the road to Emmaus, Jesus listens to a conversation between two of His followers. He doesn’t allow them to recognize him. Jesus asks them what they’re talking about. They begin to tell of a man they believed to be the Messiah. They tell of His death on a cross and share His body is no longer in the tomb he was laid in. All the while missing Jesus himself is that Man. Jesus, without them seeing who He is, begins to interpret the scriptures for them concerning what the prophets say about the Messiah. It wasn’t until later as they sat over a meal Jesus opened their eyes. In that moment Jesus allowed them to see him as God's Anointed One, our Savior.
I fear some of us go our whole lives knowing about God, but never really knowing Him. I fear we know Bible passages but miss the overarching theme of The Word. God’s redemptive love! The Bible tells us of our Creator. Our Savior. Our Father and Our friend. Our Christ who hung on a cross for your sins, and mine. Our Christ who rose on the third day and conquered death! How easily we learn verses but miss the presence of God all around us. How we need our eyes opened today. Would you pray with me?
God, I don’t want to miss you when You’re right in front of me. I long to know Your presence. I desire to recognize Your voice. I want to be so in love with you and for you to you delight in opening my eyes to see the beauty in every page of Your love story as I read the Holy Bible. Would you open the eyes of my heart, LORD? I want to see You.
By: Pastor Amie Donovan
“Open my eyes that I may see wonderful things in your law.” Psalm 119:18
Michael W. Smith sings a song called, “Open the eyes of my heart.” The lyrics are simple, yet they hold the most passionate of prayers.
“Open the eyes of my heart, LORD.
Open the eyes of my heart.
I want to see you.
I want to see you. “
In Luke 24:13-25 we read of a time Jesus opened eyes to see rightly. The story begins after Jesus was resurrected from the grave. While walking on the road to Emmaus, Jesus listens to a conversation between two of His followers. He doesn’t allow them to recognize him. Jesus asks them what they’re talking about. They begin to tell of a man they believed to be the Messiah. They tell of His death on a cross and share His body is no longer in the tomb he was laid in. All the while missing Jesus himself is that Man. Jesus, without them seeing who He is, begins to interpret the scriptures for them concerning what the prophets say about the Messiah. It wasn’t until later as they sat over a meal Jesus opened their eyes. In that moment Jesus allowed them to see him as God's Anointed One, our Savior.
I fear some of us go our whole lives knowing about God, but never really knowing Him. I fear we know Bible passages but miss the overarching theme of The Word. God’s redemptive love! The Bible tells us of our Creator. Our Savior. Our Father and Our friend. Our Christ who hung on a cross for your sins, and mine. Our Christ who rose on the third day and conquered death! How easily we learn verses but miss the presence of God all around us. How we need our eyes opened today. Would you pray with me?
God, I don’t want to miss you when You’re right in front of me. I long to know Your presence. I desire to recognize Your voice. I want to be so in love with you and for you to you delight in opening my eyes to see the beauty in every page of Your love story as I read the Holy Bible. Would you open the eyes of my heart, LORD? I want to see You.
Posted in We Believe
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1 Comment
Fantastic Post ! Awesome writing