Starting December 5th, service times are moving to Sundays at 8:30, 10, & 11:30 am!

The Crowd's Disapproval

Sidney D. Wheatley, Daily Devo – The Wesleyan Church
And they began to accuse him, saying,
"We have found this man subverting our nation.” (Luke 23:2)

Have you ever been rejected and left to wonder what you did? Well, if you have not, then in time, it will happen. Whether in ministry or not, Christ-followers will have times when people disapprove and turn against them. You know that you have not done anything wrong, but maybe you have become a threat to their authority. Disapproval of the crowd does not mean you have been guilty of anything that you are being accused of. When you are accused of something and you know you have not done anything wrong, sometimes it is just right to remain quiet. Your quietness may be a strong witness against their attack and disapproval.
Jesus was brought before Pilate by the religious leaders because they disapproved of who he was—a threat to their authority. When asking Pilate’s question, Jesus never defended himself but put the question back to Pilate. Jesus was not looking for the approval of the Jewish leaders or the approval of a Roman governor. He wanted only the approval of the Father.

I can almost hear Jesus saying the words “keep quiet” to us. When people try to accuse you of wrong and disapprove of you, perhaps the best thing you can do is remain silent and turn your attention to the Father.  Do not let disapproval dissuade you from looking to the Father.

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