Starting December 5th, service times are moving to Sundays at 8:30, 10, & 11:30 am!

Want to Go Fishing?

Want To Go Fishing?
By Pastor Mark White

Jesus said to Simon, “Don’t be afraid; from now on you will fish for people.”
Luke 5:10

I was with a group of men on a missionary-service trip to Haiti several years ago. We were doing some repairs and adding on to the school that they also use as a church in that village.

Some of the men were skilled, and others were not, but in either case, we knew it would be a challenge because we didn’t know exactly what we were walking into, nor have the proper tools to accomplish it.  Regardless of the circumstances, we had all volunteered to be there and work as hard as possible.  Though the conditions weren’t perfect and the heat from the sun was intense, we ended up accomplishing more than we were expected to.  We all knew that God had blessed this work and our time there by the end of the week.
Even though we did more work than we had imagined, our first response wasn’t like Peter’s. It wasn’t a response of fear. But looking back, I think I can understand Peter’s reaction. He and the other fishermen had been working hard all night and had not caught any fish. Then Jesus came along and told them to cast their net on the other side of the boat. Resulting in a catch that almost sank their boats! That day Peter got a glimpse of who Jesus is and how powerful he is, and that made him afraid.
It can be so astonishing when God shows up that it can be frightening, especially when God works through us outside of our normal comfort zones. God wants to do and is doing amazing things through you. Let’s take the amazing things that God is doing and show and tell them to others.  We too can become fishers of men.

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