Starting December 5th, service times are moving to Sundays at 8:30, 10, & 11:30 am!

Fruit Inspector

Fruit Inspector
Rev. Todd Crofford

Last Sunday we declared that Jesus has all authority over heaven and earth.  Let’s get really personal.  That means He also has authority in the lives of all who follow him. Jesus has authority to direct us, to ask anything he wants of us, and to inspect every area of our lives. As Christ followers, He is the Lord of our lives; so we answer for how we are following Him.
Well, how does He gauge how well I am following him?  The answer- by inspecting the fruit of our lives. The God who has all authority in our lives is looking in to see evidence, and that evidence is listed in Galatians 5- Love, Joy, Peace, Patience, Kindness, Goodness, Faithfulness, Gentleness and Self-Control.
Isn’t it interesting that Truth is not listed as a fruit of the Spirit?  Of course we are committed to truth, but our walk with God is so much more than believing or even declaring the right things.  Remember that even demons have some theology right.  We can believe right things and be downright unchristian in how we portray them. The indicator that we are allowing God’s authority in our lives is that as we live by the truth, people see love and peace and joy and kindness flowing out of our lives.
What is true for us individually is true for us together as a church.  If God has all authority at Real Life, then when people get to know us, they spot wonderful, delightful, appealing fruit growing in our midst.
Pray with me: Lord inspect my life today and show me where I need more fruit to grow. I willingly give You that authority in my life.

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