Starting December 5th, service times are moving to Sundays at 8:30, 10, & 11:30 am!

The Right Perspective

Do you view people with the right perspective?

Ephesians 4:2 “Always be humble and gentle. Be patient with each other, making allowances for each other’s faults because of your great love.”
Can I be honest? Sometimes, people are the problem, aren’t they? If it weren’t for people, doing life would be so much easier. Can I say something else honestly? While people can be the problem, they’re also the point, the potential, and the purpose behind how we live our lives.
I wish I had come up with that on my own, but Pastor Todd said it first.
He sat us down at a staff meeting one day and taught us how to do relationships better and it all began with our perspective on people.
The Apostle Paul reminds us in this verse that we are to walk worthy of the call Christ has purposed us for. He said we should walk with humility and gentleness, with patience and acceptance. If you read the full passage (vs. 1-3) in other translations it really drives home the point! NASB reads, “show tolerance for one another in love.” The ESV version says, “Bear with one another in love” and “Be eager to maintain unity!”
When you encounter difficult relationships, how do you view people in the midst of them?
Are people the problem or the point?
When we look at people as if they’re the point, it’s easy to make allowances for the areas they fall short. When we view people as potential, it’s easy to be patient. When we view people as if they’re the purpose, we speak with humility and gentleness the truth’s we are called to share.
Our goal in all relationships should be to reflect Christ. Will you pray this with me?
God, I thank You for people. I thank You for the challenges we must walk through with our brothers and our sisters. God, would You show us how to be humble, gentle, and patient with them this week? Would You remind us of the allowances You’ve made on our behalf and then spur us on to love them the same? The truth is LORD, we love because You first loved us. -Amen
By: Pastor Amie Donovan
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