Starting December 5th, service times are moving to Sundays at 8:30, 10, & 11:30 am!

The Former Things Are Passed Away

“And God shall wipe away all tears from their eyes; and there shall be no more death, neither sorrow, nor crying, neither shall there be any more pain: for the former things are passed away.” Revelation 21:4

You know what my dream has always been?
To be a mother.

I’ve always ‘mothered’ everyone, even when I was a little girl and if only to my siblings and friends. If you know me now, you can certainly see this, I’m sure.

I’ve served in Kids’ Ministry since I was in my early teens because I loved kids and couldn’t wait for the day I had my own. I’ve always known God’s purpose for me was to love and serve children and their families, and eventually to love and serve my own.
And after many, many years of struggling to achieve that dream, it finally happened. I gave birth to my first son. God had heard my prayers and was fulfilling His purpose for me. Or so I thought.

Because the day after he was born, my son died and my dreams were shattered. In one horrifically life-changing last breath, my purpose seemed gone.
My life story has some heartbreaking parts in it, that’s for sure. Sadly, I know I’m not alone in the heartbreak of this broken world.

But that’s where the expectant hope we have in Jesus comes in. 

Despite unexpectedly answered prayers and shattered dreams, He makes all things new. In one horrifically life-changing last breath, He continues to renew purpose in us all.

And there will be a day no tears will fall and death will have had its last word.

One day. 
In the meantime, we can still continue to live the dream that God has for each of us in who He has created us to be–His beloved children and heirs.

If your heart is heavy and you feel like you’re living more of a nightmare than a dream, hold tight to Him. Cling to Him and know in Him that the promise of eternity where all things will be made right is TRUE and that in this very moment, He loves you and cares for you. The former things WILL pass away, but His care and concern and love for you is eternal.

By: Lori Ennis
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